Managed Cybersecurity

Managed Cyber Security Services

Sovratec identifies, eliminates, and prevents security issues from the base of your infrastructure and provides secure solutions which will help to keep businesses up and running.

Our Managed Cyber Security Services Include :

  • Highlight any vulnerabilities in your existing assets and processes.
  • Assess and implement security controls and best practices.
  • Train your employees to spot and avoid cyber threats and risks.
  • Reduce the risk posed by threats like phishing, ransomware, data breaches, and other cyber threats.
  • Provide continuous knowledge-sharing content and elements to keep your employees up to date.

IT Security Infrastructure Assessment

Our comprehensive security evaluation identifies vulnerabilities in your present systems, technology, and other infrastructure to serve as the foundation for your customized action plan.

  • Network Device Security Review
  • Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing
  • Malware/Ransomware Assessment
  • OS Hardening & Security Configuration Check
  • Web Application Security Testing
  • Infrastructure scan and testing on assets connected to your network. (Internal & External).
  • Firewall Configuration Security Review

Social Engineering Assessment and Services

Measuring the human failures and interactions via the simulation to conclude the risk level of the organization by conducting real-world testing and helping the users to identify the failing spots.

  • Phishing Simulation testing.
  • User awareness content, graphical elements, and articles subscription.


Security Awareness Training & Blogs

Help your employees to understand the importance of digital security and reduce the risk of cyber-attacks by training them with interactive sessions and real-world scenarios to recognize future threats which will lead them to take effective action to shield the organization.

  • IT & Cyber Security Computer-Based Training
  • Educating end-users
  • Assess user awareness outcomes
  • Security content development
  • Blogs and Articles.

Discover How Managed Cyber Security Services Can Enhance Your Business 

Our IT and Cyber security services provide various benefits in addition to safeguarding your operations from risk, including:

Cyber Security Training

Maintain Business Reputation

Data breaches can often hurt your business reputation and it may impact the trust of the organization and future business.

Reduce Loss

An effective cybersecurity services save businesses an enormous amount of money and reduce losses.

Prevent Future Threats

An effective cybersecurity service helps block cyber threats from ever getting through your organization’s IT systems.

Uninterrupted Productivity

Security incidents frequently cause downtime, which results in lost productivity while your systems are unavailable. When these situations are avoided proactively, enhanced availability leads to improved performance and uninterrupted productivity.

Prevent Data Loss

Data and analytics are the core of your products and marketing strategy. Losing it, in any case, can be the worst-case scenario you can ever imagine. So, to maintain agreement with data security regulations, organizations must keep track of all their information.

Latest Security Measures

Predictive and blocking cybersecurity measures aren’t enough defenses as cybercriminals are getting more creative and effective each day. The latest security controls offer you the most up-to-date security methods to protect your IT environment from dangers.